MultiBureau Lock

Multi-Bureau Lock


Project Description

Credit Lock is an identity protection feature that allows TransUnion Credit Monitoring (TUCM) members to easily lock and unlock their credit report right from their account in order to help prevent anyone to view their credit report without authorization. Although one of the most useful features TransUnion offers, the page was originally built to only accommodate locking a TransUnion credit report.

In 2017, TransUnion teamed up with competitor, Equifax, to provide TUCM users the ability to lock their credit report from both bureau's. This meant completely redesigning this entire page on the website and TUCM's mobile app.



Adobe Photoshop



The introduction of second Credit Lock component meant that we would now need two separate lock functions and a way to deliver status messaging that was specific to each bureau, in addition to integrating the existing FAQ information.



We iterated through several different designs that all seemed clunky or unintuitive until we reached the card view. The cards leant themselves to the versatility needed for the five different states that the user's lock could potentially reach and utilized a common pattern so users would be able to understand how to easily reach the information associated with their status.


But, what about mobile?

TransUnion's mobile app needed a slightly different solution in order to fit within the limited space. Again, using a card analogy, we rethought it to include a sliding animation so that the viewer would could focus in on only one bureau's lock function at at time and the other would collapse to stack on the bottom. The user could then easily switch between the two and the messaging would be contained in the tooltip.
